segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2015

Was/Were - Simple Past

Hi guys,
(Olá, pessoal)

Hoje vamos falar do verbo to Be no passado simples do Inglês: WAS e WERE, que significam ESTAVA e ESTAVAM ou ERA e ERAM, respectivamente. Também usados como um auxiliar de pergunta.

Forma Positiva
Forma Negativa
Auxiliar de Pergunta
I – was
I – was not
Was I?
He – was
He – wasn’t (contração)
Was He?
She – was
She wasn’t
Was she?
It – was
It wasn’t
Was it?
We – were
We were not
Were we?
You – Were
You weren’t (contração)
Were you?
They - were
They weren’t
Were they?

Relembrando...: AM/IS/ARE: Present     ---    WAS/WERE: Past

Veja algumas frases a seguir:

  • I was tired last night.( Eu estava cansado noite passada)
  • The weather was nice yesterday. (O tempo estava bom ontem)
  • They were at home. (Eles estavam em casa)
- Use was + not ou wasn't/were + not ou weren't, nas negações do passado.
  • They weren't here last friday. (Eles não estavam aqui na sexta passada)
  • The weather wasn't good yesterday. (O tempo não estava bom ontem)
  • She wasn't at home. (Ela não estava em casa)

- Coloque o verbo antes do pronome. Ex: 
  • Was he at home? ( Ele estava em casa?)
  •  Where were you at 3 o'clock yesterday? (Onde você estava às 3 horas ontem?)
  • Why was you angry? (Porque você estava brava?)

Espero que tenham gostado! Estudem e até a próxima Guys...  ;)

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